How are u all? I hope U all always good
Im so lazy n no in mood to write something so, I just want post some photos when Im holiday with my bestfriend @ Kumala Beach, Balikpapan its about 3 month ago. We dont have plan to go to the there, we just want go to hangout because we dont know where must we go so we GO TO THE BEACH....WE LOVE THE BEACH SO MUCH.... water water water ^__^
Her name is Rita, full name is Rita Dani Hemawati. She is my classmate n First friend in my University.
She is beautyful, right? hehehe^__^ nyammmy..... It's Rawon, traditional food of Indonesia our lov country ^__^
it made from rice n meat... honestly I dont really like meat....but I still eat it just little, eeekh...geez.....
we got beautiful day n so fun fun ^__^
hope we can back to there next time but not just we both but with other friends ^__^
Ganbatte !!!
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